Cat-sitting price list

Types of visits:


1 x 30 mins/day
  • Workdays: 350 czk
  • Weekends: 380 czk
  • Public holidays: 525 czk


1 x 60 mins/day
  • Workdays: 480 czk
  • Weekends: 520 czk
  • Public holidays: 720 czk


60 + 30 mins/day
  • Workdays: 770 czk
  • Weekends: 840 czk
  • Public holidays: 1 155 czk


2 x 60 mins/day
  • Workdays: 890 czk
  • Weekends: 970 czk
  • Public holidays: 1 335 czk

Services beyond cat-sitting:

Claws trimming / medication application

250 CZK



Claws trimming during the cat-sitting

50 CZK

can be ordered with

the cat-sitting

Shopping for cats during cat-sitting

250 CZK

will be charged additionally after cat-sitting

Návštěva veteriny během hlídání

200 CZK/hour + transportation costs

will be charged additionally after cat-sitting

*Price is not dependent on the number of cats in the household, but only on the length of time the meow nanny spends with the cats. However, a shortened visit (30 minutes once a day) is only intended for households with a maximum of three cats.

* Each visit includes taking care of all the needs of the cat, including medication application or other specific requests, at no extra charge. The only additional service is nail trimming.

* The prices listed apply to all locations where we provide cat-sitting services.

*On public holidays and December 31st, we charge 50% higher prices.

* When booking less than 3 days before the start of the cat-sitting, we charge a one-time express fee of 400 CZK.

* For cat-sitting outside of Prague, Příbram, Dobříš, Mníšek pod Brdy, Beroun and Brandýs nad Labem, we charge a transportation fee from the nearest city – contact us for an exact transportation cost to your location.

* The minimum visit frequency is every other day (although we recommend daily visits for the safety and well-being of the cats). For households with more than three cats, the minimum visit frequency is once a day.

ceník za hlídání koček Meow-sitting

Before the cat-sitting begins, a meeting will be held between the meow sitter and you at your home. During the meeting, the meow sitter will get to know your cats, make an agreement with you about the pet sitting, take your keys, and write down the tasks that need to be done during the pet sitting.

The price of each meeting is 250 CZK.

(The fee covers the time and financial costs associated with handing over the keys before the pet sitting and returning them after the pet sitting).

The types of visits listed can be combined in any way or we can customize the visits directly to your cat's needs.

Loyalty program 2024:

* The total order amount does not include the shipping surcharge and express fee.